Flair 2023 Newsletter

2022 proved to be another difficult year in being able to obtain parts and equipment. Manufacturers continued to raise prices numerous times throughout the year and most manufacturers and part suppliers have new pricing coming for 2023.

We continue to explore pricing from various parts suppliers, selecting the best pricing with availability. This ensures we are able to provide you with the best pricing on any repair parts you may need. We are still at the mercy of equipment manufacturers in obtaining warranty parts, especially circuit boards and coils. Rest assure we are staying on top of parts ordered that may be delayed and communicating with the manufacturers as to what options may exist. We thank all our customers for their patience and understanding as we work through these difficult times.



As I mentioned in last year’s newsletter, new DOE efficiency standards go into effect January 1st, 2023. Any air conditioning or heat pump system installed in the Southeast region, which includes Florida, must be a minimum 15 Seer and a 14.3 Seer2 rating.

The new DOE test procedures have been updated to be more representative of installations in a residential application. The new procedure that determines the Seer2 rating is in a more realistic environment and that more closely matches the true efficiency of an A/C or heat pump system when installed in a typical home.

The new standards required all manufacturers to raise the minimum efficiency by 8-10%, which in some instances meant that nearly 70% of existing equipment did not comply. Equipment lines are changing, along with model numbers, sizes, and weights. The bottom line is new units will be more efficient and use less electricity.


World’s Whitest Paint Revision

As you may recall from a previous Newsletter, the engineers at Purdue University unveiled the world’s whitest paint. It is so white that it reflects 98.1% of sunlight. The surfaces coated in this paint were up to 15% cooler than ambient temperatures. It is currently estimated that Air Conditioning is responsible for nearly 4% of greenhouse emissions. This paint could actually reflect energy back into space to help reverse global warming. The use of this paint would reduce the air conditioning loads. To achieve this cooling effect, this paint needs to be applied in a layer at least .4mm thick. This was too thick for planes, trains, and automobiles.

The researchers reworked the paint and came up with a version that reflects 97.9% of sunlight when applied in a layer just .15mm thick. This revision of the paint can now be applied to planes, trains, and automobiles to help keep them much cooler. There is great interest in this paint, which could find its way out of the lab and into manufacturing very easily.


How Hot Was Last Summer

Last summer definitely seemed a lot hotter than previous summers, but in checking weather data for year 2021. 2022, 2021 had 3,320 CDD (Cooling Degree Days) whereas 2022 had 3,319 CDD. A Cooling Degree Day is defined as the average temperature for a day above a base temperature of 65°F.


Example: An average temperature for a day is 80°, therefor 80-65= 15 Cooling Degree Days for that day.

A monthly comparison showed:


2021 CDD                    2022 CDD                        % Difference

June     432.7                487.5                              13>

July       465.4               520.2                              12>

Aug       536.1               522                                 16<


Cooling Degree Days are factors in considering how many hours your air conditioning or heat pump will run during the year. The greater the number of Cooling Degree Days, the more your air conditioner will run, increasing your power consumption. Just a note, 2020 had 3,712 CDD, much higher than 2021 or 2022.



Programmable Home Insulation

Researchers from Fraunhofer Cluster of Excellence Programmable Materials are working on developing a programmable insulation designed with foam elements that will expand when hot, creating a better seal for any unwanted ventilation that may be entering the building and contracting as cooler air is present. The expansion of the foam will help keep the building from getting hot and thus reducing the air conditioning load. The programmable insulation is based on a foam that has a reversible process allowing the foam to open and close its pores over and over again, this is in contrast to conventional shape memory foams that are only able to change their shape once.

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve your air conditioning and heating needs. We sincerely appreciate your business.



Thomas P McGuire
